1. Consider the specific suggestions in the POP guide on graffiti that are applicable to officers in the current situation:
a. Detecting graffiti rapidly and routinely
b. Removing graffiti rapidly
c. Increasing natural observation of graffiti locations
d. Increasing formal observation of graffiti locations
e. Increasing electronic security
f. Conducting publicity campaigns
g. Vandal-proofing graffiti-prone locations
h. Controlling access to graffiti-prone locations
i. Focusing on chronic offenders
j. Controlling graffiti tools
k. Channeling behavior into more acceptable activities
l. Providing alternative activities and services
m. Involving youth in developing programs (NOTE: Some programs have not been shown to be effective)
n. Holding parents accountable
o. Increasing sanctions for offenders
p. Applying new technologies
q. Establishing juvenile curfews (NOTE: This has not been strongly supported by research)
r. Warning offenders
2. Additionally, research indicates that high-risk juveniles on blocks predict crime on those blocks. Addressing them through identification, connecting them with social services, and focusing on services that reduce their risk of dropping out of school or assist them in obtaining jobs may help reduce crime.
In an effort to provide helpful suggestions in areas that have not yet been fully studied or evaluated, we have included ideas for responses and activities that may not yet be considered evidence-based or evidence-informed. Therefore, not all actions and strategies included within this App are evidence-based or evidence-informed.