Problem: An increase in residential burglaries in an area; the occurrence of a burglary in a block or high rise.

1. Research indicates that once a home or apartment unit is burglarized, homes and units next door and/or very close by have a heightened risk of burglary.

2. After a burglary, warn neighbors immediately of their heightened risk and suggest methods to target harden their homes, including locking windows and basement/back doors; engaging their alarm systems regularly, and encouraging more guardianship of their neighbors. See the Refresher on Situational Crime Prevention.

3. Work with place managers and residents of buildings to determine the underlying mechanism that may be contributing to burglaries. Is a roof door unsecured? Are residents leaving their doors unlocked (often happens in college dorms), or are windows left open? Removing material below fire escapes or windows can reduce the ability of offenders to access fire escapes from the ground.

4. Work with place managers and residents for longer-term solutions, including the use of CCTV if available.

5. Have the agency CPTED unit conduct an environmental analysis of the area to determine what opportunities are contributing to crime. If a CPTED unit is not available, use the Refresher Sheet on CPTED.

6. Research indicates burglars often commit crimes within one mile of their own residence or activity space. Knowing, monitoring, and making contact with burglary probationers nearby may help prevent future crimes.

In an effort to provide helpful suggestions in areas that have not yet been fully studied or evaluated, we have included ideas for responses and activities that may not yet be considered evidence-based or evidence-informed. Therefore, not all actions and strategies included within this App are evidence-based or evidence-informed.